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What to do with Water Beads

What to do with Water Beads

Posted by MWB on 13th Jan 2021

As our thoughts move from summer plans, to those of school and cooler weather, why not start thinking about some exciting Fall centerpieces for your tables and beyond? Gel water beads are a perfect medium to use to make unique and eye catching creations!

Visit our Website: MagicWaterBeads

One idea is to gather several tall, narrow, clear containers; vases, jars, even drinking glasses!-(it’s best to use at least 3 in each grouping.) Using fall inspired colored water beads, in such choices as red, yellow, orange, and black, your can then layer several colors, (after hydrating,) in each or use one color per container. Group on a table, or even a window sill! For even more drama, add a submersible light either at the bottom, middle, or top of your creations for a beautiful glow. Magic Water Beads knows is your water beads store.

For a striking botanical feel, fill a low, wide, clear vase or container with a single color choice of hydrated water beads. Black or red look particularly good with this project. Next, insert sprigs of faux/silk foliage in both green and fall colors. You can stick with just the foliage, or add some silk sunflowers for even more color.

You can also take this second idea a step further and use real, fresh sprigs of plants, leaves, and flowers, as the water beads will provide the moisture for them! This will definitely bring some of that beautiful fall feel into your home.

Be prepared for all of the ooohs and aaaaahs over your unique decorations!

Contact us with any questions, or head on over to Magic Water Beads and order today.